
By Shogun
Diablo 3 - Kids Play.

As most of you might know, I am an avid Diablo 2 player. With that said, there's little surprise in the reaction to me filing in line behind the other Sixty-Two Thousand other players who have signed a petition to renew Diablo 3's artistic feel and direction. This petition was released nearly immediately after the opening of Blizzards Diablo 3 website and the unveiling of the gameplay videos.

Blizzard responded to this petition by firing their lead art designer but negated that good news with the fact that they're keeping his feel/direction of the game.

All the petition asks for is a change in the feel and colors of the game which would be accurate and familiar to the Diablo universe. What Blizzard seems to forget is, without the devotion of Diablo 1 & 2 fans for 14 YEARS. , there would be no Diablo 3. Give the fans what they want!

To hear bullshit excuses from the designer, check the link:

(yes, that's a rainbow in the top picture.)


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