
Eve Online: Wormholes

By Shogun

In an ever changing, multilateral game such as Eve Online, there is no real limit to what the developers can create. A way CCP can attest to this is their new addition to the game involving Wormholes.

CCP Whisper tells us a bit about it:
"We are going to give you uncharted, unknown places to visit via paths that shift and slide through the fabric of space. We are going to give you thousands of new solar systems which will contain new NPC's, new exploration content and new pockets of resources to exploit," Whisper wrote. "You will have the chance to venture into places that promise great rewards but also bring with them great risks."

Such a great change to the game seems to be stirring the minds of Eve players and from what I hear in game and out, it looks like some people will be focusing their time in Eve completely on these very interesting, extremely profitable wormholes.

Along with great profit comes great potential loss, these wormholes will randomly collapse and apparently shoot you out in different areas of space. Not to mention the new breeds of NPC's in them.
Have you ever found one of those amazing officer spawns floating in the belts? Well there are going to be officers in these wormholes as well, but not as stupid.
These NPC officers will be able to web, jam, point, and warp away. CCP is incorporating almost all dynamics of PVP into these NPC's so watch out!

I for one, welcome our new wormhole overlords.

Get your probes together boys, and prepare for march 10th.

Link to the DevBlog: http://myeve.eve-online.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=616

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